‘Shark Tank India Season 3’ is coming; When and where can you watch the show? What will be special in this season? Let us know..

‘Shark Tank India Season 3’ is coming; When and where can you watch the show? What will be special in this season? Let us know..

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Shark Tank India Season 3: Two seasons of Shark Tank India to be aired on TV have come before the audience. Both the seasons have been greatly liked by the audience. Now its new season is coming soon. In this new season, along with the old judges, new judges will also be seen. There is a lot of discussion about this show. Recently the new promo of Shark Tank Season 3 was shared on social media. The release date of the first episode of the season has been announced in this promo.

Shark Tank India Season 3- ‘Shark Tank India-3’ will be released from January 22

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The third season of Shark Tank India (Shark Tank India Season 3) will start from January 22. The show will air on Sony TV from Monday to Friday at 10 pm. Viewers can watch the show on Sony TV or on Sony Liv app.

If not 6 then there will be 12 judges.

The third season of Shark Tank India will have 12 judges, not six. Apart from Azhar Iqbal, Deependra Goyal, Varun Dua, Ronnie Screwvala, Radhika Gupta and Ritesh Aggarwal, Aman Gupta, Amit Jain, Namita Thapar, Anupama Mittal, Piyush Bansal and Vineeta Singh will also be seen as judges in the show.


Know about the judges of the show…

Varun Dua, judge of the show Shark Tank India-3, is the CEO of ACKO General Insurance Company. Azhar Iqbal is the co-founder and CEO of InShorts. Deependra Goyal is the founder and CEO of Zomato company. Ronnie Screwvala is a film producer. Ritesh Agarwal is the Founder and CEO of Oyo Rooms. Radhika Gupta is the MD and CEO of Edelweiss Mutual Fund.

Among the old judges, Aman Gupta, Amit Jain, Namita Thapar, Anupam Gupta, Piyush Bansal and Vineeta Singh have previously been judges of the Shark Tank India show.

Know about Shark Tank India show…

‘Shark Tank India Season 3

Shark Tank India is a business reality show in which people from India talk about their business ideas and marketing strategies. There are some “sharks” in the show. If the Sharks like the business idea, they can invest money in it.

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